Heroes for Life

 One of Us

Welcome to the Heroes for Life Exhibition, presented by One of Us.

The Heroes for Life exhibition shows some historical figures that has committed heroic acts to stand for the dignity of the most vulnerable including the most vulnerable of all: Human embryos.
These champions of Human dignity can inspire young people on their search for the Truth, the Good and the Beautiful that is in every human person and to stand peacefully strong on the side of the most vulnerable of humankind from conception to natural death.

Explore the stories of remarkable individuals who have made a difference in the world.

Success at World Youth Day

Our participation in World Youth Day was a significant milestone in the success of the Heroes For Life Exhibition. It allowed us to connect with over 2000 youth from all over the world and make a lasting impact. Here’s a glimpse of our success at this incredible event:

Heroes in MY CITY

If you are eager to be a part of this captivating exhibition, we can help you bring it to your country, city or parish conatct us via this form:

8 + 2 =

Be a Hero For Life ! Join the One of Us Next GEN today !

Dear youth,
Are you ready to become a hero for life? Join One of Us NEXT GEN and make a powerful impact in defending the sanctity of human life !
By joining, you’ll become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about protecting every precious life. You will also have access to exclusive training to better understand the political and philosophical issues surrounding abortion.
You can participate in pro-life actions both digitally and in person ! Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of something extraordinary.
Join One of Us NEXT GEN now and be a hero for life !

Fill out this form now and start your Hero For Life journey !

About us.

We are a European Federation of organizations united for life and human dignity.

“One of Us” is a European Citizens’ Initiative launched by a group of citizens from the European Union countries to demand the EU institutions to guarantee the protection of human beings since conception in the areas of competence of the EU.

This initiative brings together almost all of the pro-life organizations within Europe and have been, until now, the most successful initiative in number of signatures collected (1,8 million) and in number of countries. Based on the structure created for the ECI, One of Us movement decided to establish and settle the first pro-life European Federation. One of Us Federation was founded in 2014.

Check out www.oneofus.eu for more information

Logo One Of Us
Heroes for Life
The One of Us European Federation for Life and Human Dignity – Avenue de L’Europe 33 7330 Saint Ghislain Brussels
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